Weeny Password Recovery Affiliate

Must-have tool to recover the actual password behind the asterisks

Affiliate Program
Our affiliate program is a wonderful opportunity for you to earn money by promoting our products. If you own or manage a website, you can participate in our affiliate program. We welcome anyone, from people maintaining a small personal home page to magazines, portals, or ISPs.

For every sale you generate, you earn 75% or more of the sale amount. There is no limit to the amount of commission you can generate.

How Do I Start?
WeenySoft.com has partnered with Regnow, one of the biggest and oldest software order-processing companies in the USA, to offer you the best affiliate program possible. The registration process takes less than 10 minutes. Then your site will go through a brief review process to make sure that you have a valid homepage from which to promote our products. After that, you will be sent instructions on how to access the administration area, and then you'll be able to use a simple web form to decide what products you'd like to sell.

Weeny Password Recovery's Regnow product id is: 21639-1
Weeny Password Recovery PAD file: http://www.weenysoft.com/wpr.xml

  100% Clean Certified by GearDownload.com