Password Encryption Index

Free Password Manager is a free password manager tool to manage all your passwords in an encrypted database.

The secure asymmetric cryptographic algorithm includes: 3DES, Blowfish, Cast128, DES, Thin Ice, Ice, Ice2, RC2, RC4, Rijndael, Serpent, Tea and Twofish.

Password Encryption Algorithm Compare:

Algorithm Key sizes Block sizes Structure DRounds
3DES 168, 112 or 56 bits 64 bits Feistel network 48 DES-equivalent rounds
Blowfish 32–448 bits 64 bits Feistel network 16
Cast128 40 to 128 bits 64 bits Feistel network 12 or 16
DES 56 bits 64 bits Balanced Feistel network 16
Ice 64 bits (ICE), 64×n bits (ICE-n) 64 bits Feistel network 16 (ICE), 8 (Thin-ICE), 16×n (ICE-n)
RC2 8–128 bits, in steps of 8 bits; default 64 bits 64 bits Source-heavy Feistel network 16 of type MIXING, 2 of type MASHING
RC4 40–2,048 bits 2,064 bits (1,684 effective) Source-heavy Feistel network 256
Rijndael 128, 192 or 256 bits 128 bits Substitution-permutation network 10, 12 or 14 (depending on key size)
Serpent 128, 192 or 256 bits 128 bits Substitution-permutation network 32
Tea 128 bits 64 bits Feistel network recommended 64 Feistel rounds (32 cycles)
Twofish 128, 192 or 256 bits 128 bits Feistel network 16